Contact Us
To contact the Goring & Streatley Probus Club please use the relevant form below
Honorary Secretary, Nigel Wheatley - All enquiries except for those relating to talks and presentations
Talks Secretary, Bernard Novell - Only talk and presentation related enquiries please
Editor of Probity, John Spokes - Enquiries or submissions regarding the Probity Newsletter
Webmaster, Bernard Novell - Website enquiries, issues or observations only please
The relevant person will respond as soon as possible
Honorary Secretary, Nigel Wheatley - All enquiries except for those relating to talks and presentations
Talks Secretary, Bernard Novell - Only talk and presentation related enquiries please
Editor of Probity, John Spokes - Enquiries or submissions regarding the Probity Newsletter
Webmaster, Bernard Novell - Website enquiries, issues or observations only please
The relevant person will respond as soon as possible